I started this poor blog in April, and have just now gotten around to posting. My sis-in-law reminded me when she directed me to her own blog. Well, I'm sure you all have been waiting with bated breath...
Spinning: I'm wanting to knit a Fair Isle cardigan using hand-spun Shetland wool. I've accumulated MANY natural colors and plan to dye a few I don't have. SO, I bought a skein of Jumper-weight Shetland yarn to use as a guide, and started spinning. This stuff is waaay fine, and I'm actually pretty proud of my singles as I think they're pretty close to what I'm trying to get. I've finished a bobbin-ful, but it's languishing on my Kromski Symphony until I get a chance to ply it (hopefully today). I'll let you know how the plyed (plied?) yarn comes out.
BUT, I just got a new Single Treadle Lendrum upright wheel a few days ago and have barely gotten a chance to spin a tiny bit of Romney on it. It's definitely different from my Symphony, so I need to better acquainted. I'll try to get to that too.
Knitting: On the needles currently (besides some terminally Unfinished Objects [UFO's] hidden away in the closet) is a ski hat for my OB/GYN doctor who took care of me through my pregnancy with my now-3-month-old and who sent me a porcelain bootie engraved with his name, DOB, and weight. Sooo cute! So anyway, he skis, so what better gift than a hand-knit hat, right? I'm thinking of attempting to chart the Caduceus medical symbol and make a band of it around the hat, but we'll see. I may just sail on through and keep it all grey. I guess it depends on how ambitious I get and how much time I have to spare.
Other: My kids are growing like weeds, and right now take up almost all of my time away from work. My 3-month-old can now roll onto his back, so I'm just waiting for him to get up and crawl away at anytime.
I also have a Hula performance tomorrow night, so I'll probably need to get some practice in sometime. Nah, it can wait till tomorrow...