Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Try, Try Again

Knitting: Last night I tried starting the cardigan again. This time I used the German Twisted Cast-On since I'm not really sure what type of edge I'd like, and I'm wanting to start the pattern right away without ribbing along the bottom. I'm thinking I may crochet a picot edge to match the bobbles in the pattern. I got the patterns situated correctly this time, so I'm off to a good start. I'll share a pic when I get further along than the 2 rows I've managed to accomplish.

I wanted to mention that if you haven't already, you have GOT to get Meg Swansen's "Knitting Glossary" on DVD. Absolutely a MUST! I got mine from her website at www.schoolhousepress.com. Yes, I'm an EZ/Meg Swansen worshiper, but this DVD is full of truly invaluable tips. Mine is playing right now.

Sorry, no Spinning action, but I'm planning on getting that bobbinful of BS plied up. I almost want to forego sleep to Git-R-Done, but bed is so warm & comfy that I can't resist. G'night!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Look Look!

Ha! I've learned how to post pics to my blog :-) This is the Brown Sheep millend roving I'm working on that I mentioned previously. Is it not just fabulous? Not too shabby for $7.50/lb.

Anyway, since I've remembered about my blog, I've decided I'd like to belong to some webrings. But I'll have to post regulary (i.e. more often than my track record of twice a year), so there's my incentive to be faithful.

Now I'm thinking I want to start a photo gallery to get me inspired to finish some projects. It's amazing what the possibility of public scrutiny can accomplish. Behavior modification at its finest.

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Yup...I'm still alive

Howdy! Betcha thought I had falled off the face of the earth, huh? Well, you all haven't missed much.
With the boys getting older (yesterday was my oldest's 3rd birthday!), they're demanding more attention (imagine that) which means little/no time for fiber arts. Plus, I got a 2004 883 Custom Harley Davidson Sportster in December, so I have another hobby to compete for my attention. Not to mention that it's snowbarding season, too, although the weather hasn't been great this winter in 80-degree So Cal.

Well, ashamedly, I don't have much to report by way of finished projects, even though it's been like over 7 months since my last post. I made a sweater for my baby, finished an apple cap for a co-worker's soon-to-be baby boy, and a Fair Isle cap for my brother's girlfriend. Of course, I have already promised both my brothers and my sister-in-law a cap as well. Need I say that I, myself, am wearing a store-bought acrylic abomination on my head when I go boarding down the slopes?

WIP: I'm still slogging away at a dark green Viking cable cardigan which I only work on during breaks at work...children make it hard to follow involved charts. Last weekend I had attempted to start the "Cozy Cardigan" by Kathy Zimmerman (pg 73) in the Winter 05 Vogue Knitting. This was a failed attempt since I was converting the pattern to knit circular, and I got the fronts mixed up, so the 3 inches of knitting I actually got done is worthless. Oh well, I wanted to try a different bottom border anyway. So it'll be to the frog pond for that one, and then back on the needles.
By the way, I had tried my new Denise circular needles on this, but had such an awful time of having to push the stitches around the "sticky" cord. Maybe it was my wool (Brown Sheep's Top of the Lamb), but I had to dig out an Inox to use or I would have gone nuts.
I recently got the "Sensational Socks" book, and am now inspired to start knitting socks again. I have a constant sock in progress, and I pulled it out yesterday with the intention of starting the heel flap. However, I noticed 1/2 way down the leg, that I had unwittingly dropped a stitch, and then had knitted blithely on for another 2 inches. So, I'll toss that guy in the frog pond too. Boy, it seems like I'm making negative progress.

I've got even less to report here. I made a nice skein of some dark Romney I have in my stash, and now the entire 5-lb bag wants to be made. I really like this fleece since it is long-locked, the colors vary from really dark to medium grey/brown, and it spins so easily. I'll get to it again eventually.
But it's being overshadowed by my most recent exciting find: Brown Sheep mill-end rovings from The Sheep Shed at
http://www.thesheepshedstudio.com/Roving.html. I got 2 pounds of roving in the "Brown Tones" and this stuff is lovely! I'll post pictures once I figure out how :-) But it's got lovely colors and it spins so easily. I'm actually spinning from the fold because I like a loftier yarn and the fibers are so parallel in their rovings. So, I got my package yesterday, hurriedly picked up the house, and got to spin after the baby went to bed. I've almost got a bobbin-ful, so I'll be ready to ply soon. I can't wait to see this stuff plied.

Alright, well, hopefully I won't disappear for months on end again, and my subsequent posts won't need to be so lengthy. We'll see.....