Sunday, February 26, 2006

Look Look!

Ha! I've learned how to post pics to my blog :-) This is the Brown Sheep millend roving I'm working on that I mentioned previously. Is it not just fabulous? Not too shabby for $7.50/lb.

Anyway, since I've remembered about my blog, I've decided I'd like to belong to some webrings. But I'll have to post regulary (i.e. more often than my track record of twice a year), so there's my incentive to be faithful.

Now I'm thinking I want to start a photo gallery to get me inspired to finish some projects. It's amazing what the possibility of public scrutiny can accomplish. Behavior modification at its finest.

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1 comment:

yarnwright said...

Hi, Jamie!
Came over to manually check your blog... and you definitely FIT the criteria! However, both a webrings check and a manual check says: no nav code... so... as soon as you get it in your sidebar, you'll be welcomed aboard!