Well, I really don't have a valid basis for comparison, having never before taken Prozac, but I'm sure I would have seriously freaked out on the flight home from Las Vegas this afternoon without my knitting. There was so much turbulance, the flight attendents didn't even have enough time to serve peanuts since they couldn't leave their seats. Have I mentioned that I'm insanely afraid of heights? Insanely. So, I had to cope with the fact that I was in a human-made, human-operated (last I checked, humans are NOT perfect) heavy metal tube thousands of feet above the earth. I just worked intently on my Cozy Cardi sleeve, crossing cables and making bobbles like there was really no chance of my plummeting to a horrible fiery death at any moment. I was able to fool myself long enough to make it safely back to California. This was only possible thanks to knitting. And as an added bonus, I ended up with this:
That's right! Only 1 1/2 inches left till this puppy is arm-pit length. Then it's on to joining the sleeves & body together. I'm still not sure if this will be raglan or saddle-shoulder. But I've still got time to decide. The spectre of possibly running out of yarn, however, is looming larger than ever. I'm currently using the second-to-last ball, and by now it's feeling pretty squishy, if you know what I mean. I'm not at all sure if I'll make it.
Please note the little baby head in this picture. This photo is actually the only one out of the 3 I took where the sleeve was on actually on the couch long enough for me to get a reasonable photo before being snatched away by the resident yarn-thieving baby boy.
Well, before you ask, no, I'm ashamed to say (but not very surprised, given my track record) that I did not have a new pair of hand-knit socks to show the Vegas slot machines. But I do have this:
Will ya look at that? A completed, perfectly-fitting sock! Although, the cuff still seems not long enough to me. But the foot is perfection! The heel flap is just the right length, as is the foot itself. If I was smart, I'd write down these measurements and keep them forever to help calculate socks for myself from now on. But for now, I'll just settle for actually finishing the mate for this bad boy.
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