Alright, I've been taking pictures of this last week's progress, and I've realized that my projects are extremely boring. After I was done taking the pictures, I was looking around for something more. Surely, this can't be the extent of my projects? How pathetic.
This feeling may have been exacerbated partially because I discovered Claudia's Blog. Check out this woman's gallery! OMG, I am sooo unworthy. At first I was inspired. But toward the end, as the seemingly un-ending parade of perfectly-fitting gorgeous, homespun "Claudia Originals" continued, I was feeling pretty disappointed in myself. I've really got to get some stuff done. And she's made not just one, but TWO Rogues; Rogues which she "cardiganized". And both fit absolutely perfectly! And of course, she has just the PERFECT figure. I might hate Claudia, except that she's raising money for MS, and she's a genius spinning knitter, so I guess she's pretty cool.
Well, without further ado, after that wonderful current works in progress:
I've started putting a 3-stitch I cord border on the Crappy Cardi. I know...boring. But I'm running out of yarn, so it'll have to do. The good news is that I had a zipper lying around that is the perfect length, so it's a done deal. I'm thinking I need to finally finish this thing and get to trying to fix that stupid dark stripe. I know you're all sick of hearing about it, but it's a pretty big issue for me.
Here's the cumulative total of my Blackbird progress. I've got about 400 yards. Rogue takes 1200 yards. My resolve is waning, especially since I've just acquired the most gorgeous dark grey Corriedale, but I'm going to try sticking to Blackbird. But it's pretty boring.
And my modest progress on the second hand-dyed sock. I work on this thing in the car at red lights and drive-thrus, so that's my excuse for the slow (boring) pace.
Well, that's it. I'd recommend visiting the Yarn Harlot or Claudia's Blog for some real knitting and some inspiration. Maybe I'll have something cool to show you next week....
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