I'm knitting like I'm possessed. I've neglected housework, work that I've brought home to work on, and perhaps I've put the Cars video on a few too many times than what's good for my kids, but I can't help myself.
Behold, the home stretch...
I have the top portion of the fronts to knit. Well, that's not very exciting, you say? Well, what if I told you that the ball of yarn in the upper-left part of the pic is my VERY LAST BALL OF YARN! That's right, just 110 yards left. I have to finish the fronts and then a collar. Can I make it? Do I have enough? The suspense...she is killing me!
Just for prospective, each front took 1 whole ball of yarn to get to the arm-hole shaping. I think I just might eeek by, but there's still a chance I could get burned here. It was the extra length I added to the sleeves that did me in. But then again, I had also shortened the body by 3 inches, so that should have counter-acted the sleeves, right?. Right? Why oh why didn't I buy an extra ball? Why, I ask you! Everyone says to buy an extra ball! EVERYONE! I think that's one of the first things EZ tells you to do. Well, don't mind me, I'm just the freak with the sweater missing a collar lapel...
So, I must now go knit. Y'all will be the first to know how it goes.
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