Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Living on the edge

I'm knitting like I'm possessed. I've neglected housework, work that I've brought home to work on, and perhaps I've put the Cars video on a few too many times than what's good for my kids, but I can't help myself.

Behold, the home stretch...

I have the top portion of the fronts to knit. Well, that's not very exciting, you say? Well, what if I told you that the ball of yarn in the upper-left part of the pic is my VERY LAST BALL OF YARN! That's right, just 110 yards left. I have to finish the fronts and then a collar. Can I make it? Do I have enough? The suspense...she is killing me!

Just for prospective, each front took 1 whole ball of yarn to get to the arm-hole shaping. I think I just might eeek by, but there's still a chance I could get burned here. It was the extra length I added to the sleeves that did me in. But then again, I had also shortened the body by 3 inches, so that should have counter-acted the sleeves, right?. Right? Why oh why didn't I buy an extra ball? Why, I ask you! Everyone says to buy an extra ball! EVERYONE! I think that's one of the first things EZ tells you to do. Well, don't mind me, I'm just the freak with the sweater missing a collar lapel...

So, I must now go knit. Y'all will be the first to know how it goes.

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